
The Gateways section contains a list of the operator's equipment from which external calls are received and to which they are sent in the network and from PSTN or GSM. Each gateway contains connection parameters and rules for transferring numbers in both directions.

1. Go to the Gateways section. Click Add a gateway.

2. A gateway creation form will open. Enter the gateway's title and description.

3. If necessary, configure integration with the billing system using the RADIUS protocol by enabling the Enable RADIUS switch. Note: Before enabling this option, contact Digital Tide technical support for each gateway.

When RADIUS is enabled, choose the call direction:

  • Both Directions (all call directions will be processed),
  • Incoming Calls (only incoming calls will be processed),
  • Outgoing Calls (only outgoing calls will be processed).

Fill in the form fields according to your system's requirements:

  • Server,
  • Authentication Server,
  • Secret.

4. Specify the gateway type:

  • No registration (most commonly used and recommended type, calls are authorized by IP address),
  • With registration (registers with the operator's equipment and supports active registration at specified time intervals; calls are possible only with active registration).

Configuring a gateway with a registration has the following characteristics:

  • Can contain max ten numbers,
  • It's impossible to call anonymously,
  • It's impossible to call with another caller ID.

Equipment Settings

5. Fill in the Equipment form fields. This form only appears for gateways without registration.

  • Domain. Enter the operator's gateway's domain name or IP address.

The value in this field will be indicated in the “Request URI” of the INVITE request from the platform, and the request itself will be sent to the IP address specified in the IP address field (if this field is filled).

  • IP address. If the gateway receives incoming calls, enter the IP address of the operator's gateway. If the gateway does not receive incoming calls, you can leave the field blank. In this case, the request will be sent to the IP address obtained by the domain name.

In the IP Address field, you can specify the port in the format IP address: port. For example, If a port is additionally specified in this field, the platform will accept calls from the operator's gateway only with the specified IP address: port pair. If the port is not specified, the platform will accept calls from the operator's gateway from any port but only with the specified IP address.

The logic of forming the INVITE request from the platform to the operator's gateway is as follows:

Domain IP Address INVITE Format Sending Address for UDP* sip:number@ sip:number@ sip:number@ sip:number@
  * If a port is additionally specified in the IP Address field, the platform will send requests to the operator's gateway on the IP address:port pair. If the port is not specified, the platform will send requests to the operator's gateway on the IP address:5060 pair (standard port).
  • Protocol. Choose the transport protocol (UDP, TCP, or TLS). The choice of the transport protocol depends on the protocols used by the operator's company.

6. Add equipment if multiple backup IP addresses need to be used by clicking Add equipment. Arrows can be used to adjust the equipment order in the list.

Configure the options for Call Time on One Gateway and Session Expiry by selecting values from the dropdown list.

Call Time on One Gateway (transaction timeout timer) - this is the maximum time the sender will wait to confirm the INVITE message.

Session Expiry (Session-Expires) - the period in seconds after which the session will be forcibly terminated if the session is not updated in time. To make the session indefinite, select Disable.

When configuring telephony settings, it is necessary to set up both inbound and outbound calls. In the Setting up incoming calls section, enable Receive incoming calls. This will reveal settings for the called number and the received Caller ID.

Called Number

For the called number, choose:

* The format in which the gateway sends the number - E.164 or a custom format.

* Where to retrieve the inbound number from - the Request URI field or the To field.

The platform works with numbers in the +E.164 format. Often, numbers arrive in a different format. Translation rules need to be set to convert the number to the +E.164 format.

To set a translation rule, enter the number to be translated in the left field and the translation result in the right field.

For example, if the incoming call number format is 093XXXXXXXXXX, and the platform expects numbers in the format +374XXXXXXXXXX, a translation rule needs to be defined.

In the left field, rules can be set for a specific number or a universal rule can be configured using the following values:

+ (n) — a specific number of digits.

+ (n1-n2) — a range of digits from n1 to n2.

+ \* — any sequence (will be passed “as is” from the original number).

To delete a rule, click Delete. Arrows can be used to specify the priority of translation rules. Translation rules are applied in the order they are listed in the table, so it's essential to place more specific rules at the top and more general rules at the bottom.

Enter the inbound number in the validation field to verify that the rules work correctly.

Accepted Caller IDs

If it is necessary to process the Caller ID sent by the operator's gateway, enable Accepted caller IDs.

Choose the format in which the gateway will send the Caller ID:

* In the E.164 format

* In a custom format.

If a custom number format is chosen, define the number transformation rules.

Depending on the technical architecture, select the fields:

* From field

* P-Asserted-Identity

* P-Preferred-Identity

* Remote-Party-Id.

Arrows can be used to specify the priority of field viewing. The first field is searched first. If found, its value is taken. If the field or value is not found, the second field is searched, and so on.

To use the FMC (Fixed Mobile Convergence) numbers as outbound, toggle the switch to the “Enabled” position. Failure to do so will result in the FMC numbers connected to this gateway not being usable as primary, personal, or regional outbound numbers. They will not be displayed in the “Settings” * “More” * “Outgoing numbers” section in a client's account.

Next, specify the settings for the called number and the received Caller ID. For the called number, the settings in this section are similar to those for inbound calls.

Caller ID Sent

If the operator's gateway expects a caller ID, enable the option in the Caller ID sent section.

1. Choose the format in which the operator's gateway will send the number: in E.164 format or in a custom format.

2. Specify the prefixes of the caller IDs (outgoing numbers of the CPBX) that the gateway can accept. If the accepted caller ID satisfies the specified list, the call will be directed toward a telecom provider's gateway. If prefixes are not specified, the gateway will accept caller IDs with any prefixes.

  • To specify prefixes, click “Add prefix” and enter the value.

To add an additional prefix, click this button again. To delete a prefix, click the bin icon.

3. Exceptions for caller IDs with prefixes — specify the prefixes from which caller IDs will not be accepted. If prefixes are not specified, the gateway will accept caller IDs with any prefixes.

4. Choose the methods for sending the caller ID:

* From field;

* P-Asserted-Identity;

* P-Preferred-Identity;

* Remote-Party-Id.

The selected fields will be added to the outgoing request to the telecom provider's gateway.

Click Save to create the gateway. After saving, the general list of gateways will be displayed.

Check the saved settings and modify the gateway settings if necessary by clicking on the gear icon next to the gateway name. After making changes, click the “Save” button.

To create a gateway with registration, you need to add the registration in the settings for inbound and outbound calls.

1. In the “Setting up incoming calls” section, click the “Add registration” button.

Fill in the form fields:

  • Number: The phone number in the +E.164 format provided by the operator for its clients. Note: The entered number will automatically be added to the “Phone Numbers” section.
  • Domain: The domain name or IP address of the server where the registration takes place.
  • IP address: The IP address of the operator's gateway. This field can be left empty. In this case, the registration request will be sent to the IP address obtained from the domain name.
  • Username.
  • Authorization Name: The user's name during authorization. If not specified, the user name is used for login.
  • Password: The user's password.
  • Expiration Time: Registration lifetime.

2. If you need to register additional equipment in the gateway settings, click the “Add Registration” link. To delete the registration, click the bin icon.

3. If necessary, change the “Send to Contact” option:

  • Number
  • Username
  • Authorization name.

The “Send to Contact” option controls the value of the Contact field in the REGISTER request from the platform.

Fill in the settings for the accepted caller ID similarly to the instructions for the registration-free gateway.

7. In the “Setting up outgoing calls” section, you can:

  • Use credentials for incoming calls by toggling the switch.
  • Add another registration by clicking the “Add Registration” button and filling in all the fields similar to the registration in the inbound settings.

8. Fill in the settings for the called number and the sent caller ID similarly to the instructions for the registration-free gateway.

For each gateway in the table, you can find:

  • Title
  • Equipment the gateway works with
  • Gateway activity status. For gateways without registration, the status is not tracked (always gray), for gateways with registration, the following statuses are possible:

Green: registration is present

Gray: no registration.

You can search, block, and delete gateways directly from the gateway table and grant other employees access to manage gateways.

To find a gateway, enter the title or part of the gateway title in the search bar. Press Enter. Only gateways with the searched fragment in their titles will be displayed in the list.

To return to the full list of gateways, click the 'x' in the search bar.

To block a gateway, toggle the switch next to the gateway title.

To unblock a gateway, toggle the switch again.

System administrators can grant access to other employees by toggling the switch in the “Managing” column.

1. Click the bin icon on the right side of the screen in the card of the desired gateway.

2. In the pop-up window, click Delete.